Friday, June 7, 2019

Hi to all, are you afraid to talk in English? Do you stammer while you talk? Able to write and unable to speak? Even I was like that, but you can change. But how?🤔🤔
When I was studying in 5th I was very poor in English especially in grammar, once I got pinched in my ear and blood oozed. It was my journey in CBSE. Their standard was different from state board, our education system was wrong. They teach English by reading and explaining in native language. It's wrong.
Here it's fully English I wasn't able to compensate the speed they teach. I used to get low marks in English but I'm not that bad only thing which I ask to myself is, why I'm ain't able write well. I used to speak with some of my school friends they used to laugh. They asked me could you please stop your English because they will forget itseems. It was my first pause for my talk in English. I can't talk in my home whereas no one will understand.
Oh gosh! How will I improve my speaking. How I learnt to speak without fear better than the one who critic me. How I overcome my fear in front of public. How I learnt to talk without communicating with others. Let's get hold here...I will continue narain😇

The other question which I received is, how to prepare for Mechanical interview. Where the questions will be?.Here look friend, they ask from basic concepts ,get cleared with it. I have sailed only half a sea yet to reach the shore. Make a brush with all the concepts in every subjects, starting with Engineering Graphics till the end of sixth semester. Plan a day one core subject, you will definitely crack it. Just prepare like screening. If you wish go in depth like gate exam, but they will judge you from basic. Understand the concept whereas in gate you need to go in depth with all the formula. Here they won't ask formula or derivation, just the application of your knowledge. Hope I cleared your doubt karthikeyan😇.Thanks for your question it made me to refer. Wish to get engaged with you all on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Bye let's get hold for tomorrow's

                                      A voice from public
                                      V.Sathish kumar

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Life which has paused me everytime.At first I used to get disturbed and frustrated and think ,why it has happened to me alone, think like others. Then I learnt in life if some criticism comes ,you are in the right track. I hate some person particularly, one who talk about others. One thing which I wanna share with you is, if you don't like something say it open. If you want to applause do it in front. Even in my life, I have crossed many who talk bad behind my story (life). Make your vision clear, if they applause you then congrats them for their good heart, if not don't respond them and mind your work.Keep chasing your passion with wishes,  I am for you😇
                                             A voice from public
                                              V.Sathish Kumar 🤝👍

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hi to everyone, life gave me different moment to feel and different movement to move off from the people. Here is my experience which I wanna share with you.Move with a path that scare you the most that's the reason I took me Mechanical Engineering. Don't follow someone's path in your life ,be a role model and let other people get admired. I was asked to take Commerce and I was convinced and prepared for all the subjects during leave time itself. My mother told me if you take this group you will like your uncle. Which I don't like . I changed my thought, no mother I'm not going to do this. She asked me why??..I don't want to follow anyone. I wish to be unique in my life. I changed my group by writing a letter to the principal on the same day. So my experience and my words, get mentor from people but you be unique in your domain. Hear others advice and follow what your inner thought says...(mother Teresa)

 Hope you liked my part of my story.Every Saturday and Sunday night I will post my life experience. Monday to Friday is your session to ask any questions. Your answer will be put in this blog on Friday.Every evening I post this blog for question time. Let's get solution for every misery -a page for public solution and for people opinion will be post in this blog. 
                                       A voice from public ✍️
                                           V.Sathish Kumar🤝

10 Productivity Hacks: Millionaire Mindset 16

You can overcome anything,if and only if you love something enough.                                                    -Lionel Messi ...