Thursday, December 26, 2019

12 Things To Always Remember : Millionaire Mindset 8

1.You need power to do something harmful otherwise love is more than enough to get everything you want.
                                           -Charlie Chaplin

2.It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I can stay with problems longer.
                                           -Albert Einstein

3.Maturity is when you have power to destroy someone who did you wrong but you just breathe, walk away and let life take care of them.
                                          -Hugh Jackman

4.Discipline is bridge between goals and accomplishment.
                                           -Jim Rohn

5.Lead from back and let others believe they are in front.
                                          -Nelson Mandela

6.Change the change before the change changes you.
                                         -Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

                                       Voice from Public
                                       Sathish Kumar.Vedh

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